Bargaining Update 17 Unproductive Mediation

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Our mediation session with the conciliation panel was held last Wednesday and it was regrettably unproductive. 

We did, however, manage to fix dates for arbitration.  They are October 16th and 25th.  We did seek earlier dates but these were the first dates that the members of the...

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Bargaining Update 15 Binding Conciliation: The Nominees Are Chosen

Thursday, April 13, 2017

As you know, on December 20th 2016, Treasury Board (TB) rejected our proposals on pay and on compensatory leave and made no counter proposals.  TB tabled no proposal to address the fact that federal government lawyers are paid significantly less than their provincial counterparts for doing the...

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Bargaining Update 14 The AJC Has Declared an Impasse

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The AJC negotiations team met with Treasury Board negotiators on December 19 and 20. Some progress was made on technical changes and minor issues. 

However, TB rejected our proposals on pay and on compensatory leave and made no counter proposals.  TB tabled no proposal to address the fact...

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