What is a Work Force Adjustment (WFA) situation?

According to the Work Force Adjustment Directive, a “work force adjustment” is defined as “a situation that occurs when a deputy head decides that the services of one or more indeterminate employees will no longer be required beyond a specified date because of a lack of work, the discontinuance of a function, a relocation in which the employee does not wish to relocate or an alternative delivery initiative.”

Who may be affected by a WFA?

A Work Force Adjustment applies to indeterminate employees upon being informed in writing that his or her services may no longer be required beyond a specified date. See Appendix D outlining a summary of the Key Elements of the WFAD.  

The Work Force Adjustment Directive does not apply to term employees, whose contracts are expected to terminate at the end of their term, unless otherwise renewed.

What can I do if I disagree with management´s decision to lay me off? What happens if I disagree with the selection criteria for retention and lay-off?

Generally, disputes relating to the hiring and laying off of public servants fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal Public Sector Labour Relations and Employment Board pursuant to the Public Service Employment Act (“PSEA”).   As staffing policies are not subject to collective bargaining, your available remedies may be limited to the PSEA, which provides for limited recourse in the case of certain predefined types of complaints.  Mo

What happens if I have received a guarantee of a reasonable job offer and I am declared a “surplus employee”?

In such instances, you will be placed on surplus priority status when a guaranteed reasonable job offer is made (GRJO) until you receive/accept a reasonable job offer (RJO), are laid off or resign.  If a reasonable job offer is extended to you, you may choose to accept or reject the offer.   Consequences relating to the acceptance or rejection of job offers are covered under Appendix D outlining the Key Elements of the WFAD, and more specifically covered under