When a member needs assistance
- If after consulting the AJC website and relevant online FAQs, members still have questions, they are asked to contact their elected regional Governing Council representative.
- The GC member can informally assist the member locally for simple files, or direct them to AJC Labour Relations personnel when the file is more involved/complex.
- The member will fill the Intake Form and send it to admin@ajc-ajj.ca where the member’s inquiry will be handled in order of priority.
- A Labour Relations Officer will assess the file and advise the member of possible options and where appropriate, a GC representative or Labour Relations Officer will provide representation to the member.
- Where necessary, direction will be sought from the Representation Committee in accordance with AJC policies and practices.
Please note that the deadline to file a grievance is 25 workings days from the date of the breach or the date on which you first became aware of a breach.
For more information on requesting AJC support to file a grievance or on timelines to file a grievance, please click on the links below:
AJC Representation Services Policy
Individual & Group Grievance Timelines Flowchart