When a member needs assistance

  1. If after consulting the AJC website and relevant online FAQs, members still have questions, they are asked to contact their elected regional Governing Council representative. 
  2. The GC member can informally assist the member locally for simple files, or direct them to AJC Labour Relations personnel when the file is more involved/complex.
  3. The member will fill the Intake Form and send it to admin@ajc-ajj.ca where the member’s inquiry will be handled in order of priority.
  4. A Labour Relations Officer will assess the file and advise the member of possible options and where appropriate, a GC representative or Labour Relations Officer will provide representation to the member.
  5. Where necessary, direction will be sought from the Representation Committee in accordance with AJC policies and practices.

Please note that the deadline to file a grievance is 25 workings days from the date of the breach or the date on which you first became aware of a breach.

For more information on requesting AJC support to file a grievance or on timelines to file a grievance, please click on the links below:
AJC Representation Services Policy

Individual & Group Grievance Timelines Flowchart