Mandatory Vaccination Policy (Covid-19) | AJC

We’ve compiled frequently asked questions to provide AJC members with as much information and AJC union advice as possible on the mandatory vaccination policy in the workplace. If you have any other questions or concerns about COVID-19 and the government’s vaccination policy and your rights as a unionized employee, please reach out to your regional Governing Council representative.

Has the AJC’s position on the mandatory vaccination policy changed since Omicron?

The AJC’s priority continues to be the health and safety of its members and our position on the mandatory vaccination policy has not changed. We continue to support the broadest possible vaccination of Canadians, including public servants, as an important layer of protection to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and to protect the health and safety of public servants in the workplace.

I did not confirm my attestation and am now being placed on administrative leave without pay however, the record of employment I received indicates code M, termination or suspension. Which one is it, administrative leave without pay or termination?

The Treasury Board issued a memo clarifying that ESDC is recommending how to treat record of employment (ROE) coding in relation to failures to comply with the employer’s mandatory vaccination policy.  

The AJC takes exception to this coding and intends to challenge the Treasury Board’s approach on the basis that this is inconsistent with their policy. We are currently reviewing our options but will keep you informed of the actions we take to have this clarified and/or corrected.

What if I have a medical condition that prevents me from being vaccinated?

The Employer has a duty to accommodate AJC members who are unable to be fully vaccinated based on a certified medical contraindication, religion, or another prohibited ground of discrimination as defined under the Canadian Human Rights Act or under our collective agreement, which could also include those who are partially vaccinated.

If an employee is protected by one of these listed grounds, the employer must work with the employee to identify possible accommodations, which may include mandatory testing.

What if I am only partially vaccinated by the deadline?

Partially vaccinated employees will be placed on Leave Without Pay if they have not received their second dose by 10 weeks after their first dose. Partially vaccinated employees may be subject to temporary measures, such as teleworking or testing, for the period of time for which they remain partially vaccinated. Please note that 699 Leave or “Other Leave With Pay”, is not available for employees unwilling[1] to be fully vaccinated or unwilling to disclose their vaccination status.