What happens if I have received a guarantee of a reasonable job offer and I am declared a “surplus employee”?
In such instances, you will be placed on surplus priority status when a guaranteed reasonable job offer is made (GRJO) until you receive/accept a reasonable job offer (RJO), are laid off or resign. If a reasonable job offer is extended to you, you may choose to accept or reject the offer. Consequences relating to the acceptance or rejection of job offers are covered under Appendix D outlining the Key Elements of the WFAD, and more specifically covered under Part I of the WFAD.
If for some reason, you refuse a reasonable job offer, you will be placed on lay-off but no sooner than 6 months from the beginning of the surplus period (i.e. the date you were offered a GRJO). You would remain on lay-off priority status (unpaid) for 1 year.