Bargaining Update #3
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
As we indicated in our November 28th update, our first bargaining session with Treasury Board since the conciliation decision, was scheduled on December 17th and 18th. On these days, we discussed some of the proposals, including having a conversation around hours of work and flexible scheduling, which are among the members' priorities identified through the bargaining input call process.
These are early days and our discussions consisted mostly of exchanging information although, we did agree to a few housekeeping proposals, entirely related to removing outdated language. Discussions on monetary matters are understandably affected by our efforts to undertake a joint pay study. Meetings on the joint pay study are expected to continue in January. The bargaining team will meet again with TB on February 1st 2019 (tentative date).
AJC members should be aware that the PSAC has declared an impasse at four of their negotiation tables with the Employer which represents a significant portion of the Federal public service and they are on the conciliation/strike route. We will continue to monitor the status of negotiations of other bargaining units and report back to you.
For more information on the Negotiations Committee's mandate, please refer to the Terms of Reference. Should you have questions on the bargaining process or the content of the proposals, please contact your regional Governing Council representative.