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- AJC General
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- Collective Agreement
- Conditions of employment
- Duty to Accomodate
- Health and Safety
- Leave
- Mandatory Vaccination Policy (Covid-19)
- Parental Leave
- Pay and the Collective Agreement
- Performance Management
- Phoenix Damages Agreement
- Phoenix Pay System
- Return to the Workplace
- Réaménagement des effectifs
- Staffing
- Term employees
- Vacation Leave Cash-Out
- When Other Bargaining Units are on Strike
- Work Force Adjustment
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- Conditions of employment
- Is the AJC questioning the authority of Treasury Board, departments or agencies to unilaterally introduce a new Code of Values and Ethics?
Is the AJC questioning the authority of Treasury Board, departments or agencies to unilaterally introduce a new Code of Values and Ethics?
No. The AJC is not questioning the authority of Treasury Board, departments or agencies to unilaterally introduce a new Code of Values and Ethics following the coming into force of the new collective agreement. The AJC only takes issue with inappropriately worded acknowledgement forms that undermine the AJC´s fundamental exclusive bargaining agent status and that has the potential effect of restricting its members' ability to challenge the reasonableness of some of the new Code's provisions in the event disciplinary action is taken against its members.