Section Menu
- AJC General
- Classification and job description
- Collective Agreement
- Conditions of employment
- Duty to Accomodate
- Health and Safety
- Leave
- Mandatory Vaccination Policy (Covid-19)
- Parental Leave
- Pay and the Collective Agreement
- Performance Management
- Phoenix Damages Agreement
- Phoenix Pay System
- Return to the Workplace
- Réaménagement des effectifs
- Staffing
- Term employees
- Vacation Leave Cash-Out
- When Other Bargaining Units are on Strike
- Work Force Adjustment
- Home
- Classification and job description
- What is point-rating?
What is point-rating?
According to the Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer, “point rating is an analytical, quantitative method of determining the relative values of jobs. Point-rating plans define characteristics or elements common to the jobs being evaluated, define degrees of each element and allocate point values to each degree. The total value determined for each job is the sum of the point values assigned by the evaluators."