Section Menu
- AJC General
- Classification and job description
- Collective Agreement
- Conditions of employment
- Duty to Accomodate
- Health and Safety
- Leave
- Mandatory Vaccination Policy (Covid-19)
- Parental Leave
- Pay and the Collective Agreement
- Performance Management
- Phoenix Damages Agreement
- Phoenix Pay System
- Return to the Workplace
- Réaménagement des effectifs
- Staffing
- Term employees
- Vacation Leave Cash-Out
- When Other Bargaining Units are on Strike
- Work Force Adjustment
Who is in the bargaining unit?
The AJC is the certified bargaining agent for "all lawyers in the LP group for which the Treasury Board is the employer who are not excluded from collective bargaining by law or determination of the Board."
Some employees are excluded from collective bargaining, under subsection 2(1) of the Federal Public Service Labour Relations Act (FPSLRA), including persons employed on a casual basis, persons employed on a term basis for a period of less than three months, persons employed in a program designated as a student employment program, and persons who occupy managerial or confidential positions.