Important Updates on Covid-19 and 699 Leave

Friday, December 17, 2021

As we prepare for the Holidays and a New Year, the AJC has been working non-stop to support members and keep them safe. The new Omicron variant of the Covid-19 virus is a major concern and consequently the AJC and other bargaining agents have succeeded in addressing concerns with Treasury Board’s (TB) revised version of the 699-leave policy.  

Very broadly, we have gotten TB to agree to have the policy adjusted to make 699-leave available to those who have competing family obligations as a result of COVID-19:  

  • an unexpected loss of caregiving arrangements for a child, a family member or a dependant in their care has occurred and is due to the COVID-19 pandemic; 
  • a child, family member or a dependant in their care is diagnosed with COVID-19, or is required to self-isolate; 
  • a child, family member or a dependant in their care does not have access to attend school in person and their online education and learning activities requires their supervision. 

As was always the case, requests for 699-leave will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. 

However, 699-leave will only be granted on a short-term basis.  It will not be available to replace vacation leave already booked nor will it be available if school, daycare, etc. are opened and care is available, but the employee chooses to keep children at home. As well, 699-leave cannot be used to circumvent the mandatory vaccination policy. 

As well, we have confirmation from TB that any departmental transitions to Phase 2 of the return to the workplace plans have been halted. The AJC is recommending that all members who can work from home, do so.  

Health Canada is recommending that all public servants in the Core Public Administration get a COVID-19 booster as soon as they become eligible to do so in the jurisdiction where they reside. We strongly encourage members to heed that advise. 

If you have any questions or require assistance, please reach out to your GC representative or fill out an intake form
