Section Menu
- AJC General
- Classification and job description
- Collective Agreement
- Conditions of employment
- Duty to Accomodate
- Health and Safety
- Leave
- Mandatory Vaccination Policy (Covid-19)
- Parental Leave
- Pay and the Collective Agreement
- Performance Management
- Phoenix Damages Agreement
- Phoenix Pay System
- Return to the Workplace
- Réaménagement des effectifs
- Staffing
- Term employees
- Vacation Leave Cash-Out
- When Other Bargaining Units are on Strike
- Work Force Adjustment
Who conducts bargaining with the Employer on behalf of the AJC?
The AJC Negotiations Committee conducts negotiations and collective bargaining with the Employer. The Negotiations Committee consists of the President, who chairs the Committee, and other Governing Council members appointed by the Governing Council.
In the 2022 to 2024 Collective Bargining negotiations, the Negotiations Committee consisted of LP-02 Governing Council members representing the National Capital Region, Northwest Territories, Ontario Regional Office, Manitoba, Quebec Regional Office and British Columbia. The Committee also had an alternate member from the Atlantic Regional Office.
The duties and responsibilities of the Negotiations Committee are set out in Terms of Reference approved by the Governing Council.